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Marjoleine Roosendaal som holdt et flott foredrag og dømte rasen på spesialen vår på Torpomoen, har skrevet en artikkel om oppholdet sitt hos oss. I tillegg har hun sendt oss en PDF med forelesningsnotatene. Om noen av dere som var der ønsker den, send meg en mail eller en pm.
Her kommer artikkelen:
Marjoleine RoosendaalMy name is Marjoleine Roosendaal.
I’ve been a breeder of Stabijhouns for 25 years and I am also a judge for this lovely breed.
Last year I was invited to come over to Norway and judge the Clubmatch.
What an honour to do so! I was very happy to accept. My spous and I decided to come together and stay for a week to enjoy the country.
It had been over 20 years since I last was in Norway and we were happy so see the country is still its beautiful self. All things were arranged wonderfully. We arrived at the Airport and found a very nice car waiting for us that we could use our full stay. So off we went to Torpomoen where we found all participants for the weekend.
On Saturday I was asked to give a lecture on genetic diversity and outcross. In the morning there was another lecture, on behaviour and dog training. I do speak some Swedish and the lady spoke very lively so I was able to understand most of it.
After her lecture and some lunch it was my turn. We had some trouble starting the laptop in the right mode but we managed. Everybody was a very attentive audience. I was happy to see so many people have thought about this whole thing and realize which parts in the breeding we have to be careful about.
In the evening we all had a good meal and a very nice evening. We hope people liked the Dutch cookies we brought!
The next day was for the clubmatch and although the entry was modest, we had some wonderful dogs. And I was so very happily surprised when I saw a wonderfully built bitch with great temperament and a head type that I though almost had disappeared. What a stunning girl!
I had a hard time because in the males we had some lovey dogs as well.
But I decided on the bitch for Clubwinner. She was the best surprise I had during our stay in Norway.
After this lovely weekend we stayed for three more days and enjoyed the lovely scenery of Norway.
Thank you so much for a lovely stay and so much hospitality!
We hope to be back!